
Applying the EU Taxonomy for Non-EU Companies

January 2024

The EU Taxonomy is a classification system designed to categorize the economic activities of companies based on their contribution to sustainability objectives. Mandated disclosure against the EU Taxonomy began in 2023 for large and listed EU-based companies. However, with the advent of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) which requires EU Taxonomy disclosures, many non-EU companies must now begin preparing to meet EU Taxonomy requirements.


Our resource paper dives into how the EU Taxonomy interacts with other relevant EU regulations; the key components and disclosure requirements; and how companies can begin assessing their economic activities against EU Taxonomy objectives and criteria. Our paper will provide you with all the important and necessary information you need to get started on your EU Taxonomy compliance journey.



If you’re feeling overwhelmed or lost, we can help. At G&A Institute, we are not just observers but active facilitators in the field of global sustainability reporting. Our team is equipped with the expertise to guide you through every step of the EU Taxonomy disclosure process.


Whether you’re an experienced reporter or just beginning, our team has the experience and tools to cut through the complexity and simplify the reporting process. From conducting comprehensive assessments of your economic activities against EU Taxonomy criteria to helping you navigate how to apply disclosure requirements, our tailored approach is designed to streamline your reporting processes, mitigate risks, and enhance the credibility of your sustainability disclosures.


Don't let the complexity of new regulations hinder your company's sustainability journey. Download our Applying the EU Taxonomy for Non-EU Companies resource paper today and take the first step towards mastering the EU Taxonomy’s demands with G&A Institute's expert guidance. If you’d like to learn more about how G&A can help your organization navigate its sustainability journey contact us to learn more. And don’t forget to also check out another resource paper CSRD Requirements for Non-EU Companies designed to help you easily understand the compliance requirements of CSRD. 



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