G&A Institute Contributes to Carrots & Sticks III
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) in collaboration with KPMG, UNEP, Centre for Corporate Governance in Africa and various stakeholders from each country studied recently released the third edition of the "Carrots & Sticks" publication. This important publication analyzes the growing number of national and international reporting policies and guidance from around the world.
The first edition of Carrots and Sticks covered developments in 19 countries; the second, 32 countries: This third edition covers 45 countries and regions. In the seven years of the series, the amount of policy and regulation has markedly increased. This includes a notable increase in the number of mandatory reporting measures. In 2006, 58 percent of policies were mandatory; now, more than two thirds (72 percent) of the 180 policies in the 45 reviewed countries are mandatory
The Governance & Accountability Institute's Hank Boerner (Chairman and CEO) and Louis Coppola (Executive Vice President) assisted GRI with developing the United States content section in the report. A Fellow of the G&A Institute - Linda Lowson of Global ESG Regulatory Academy™ - provided additional support and invaluable input into the US regulatory environment.
In the future we are sure to see this trend of Sustainability reporting regulations and policies increasing. As countries begin to develop their own policies around this important subject this research can be very useful in learning by example.