DJSI - How Insights Inspire Action


This program is now retired. Stay tuned for other training opportunities to be announced in the future.

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Leveraging the Value of the Corporate Sustainability Assessment

Presented by Governance & Accountability Institute in collaboration with RobecoSAMe

The aim of this workshop is to increase the participants’ knowledge about the importance of and methodology behind the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) and the RobecoSAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). A workshop session will also be included on how to utilize important resources offered by RobecoSAM such as the benchmarking and leading practices databases. G&A will also present best practices for organizing a gap analysis, project management, and internal subject matter expert identification for first time responders, or those working to improve their CSA responses.

Presented by Governance & Accountability Institute in collaboration with RobecoSAM