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Ling Qin

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Ling Qin earned her Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. Through her academic training and professional experience in the environmental science and energy system, she has developed good understanding of the environmental and energy markets. Her interests include renewable energy, impact investing and public finance.

While working at Columbia University’s Earth Institute, she conducted sustainable finance research to inform how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) indicators are valued in the company portfolios of Chinese and global financial markets. In this capacity, she liaised weekly with Chinese ministers, provincial governors, investors, and researchers on sustainable finance and development.

Additionally, her experience at the Bank of China with sales calls, client visitations and credit analysis, enabled her to better meet the clients’ needs and understand the trends in capital markets. This greatly strengthened her economic analysis and business development skills and enhanced her knowledge of investment banking, capital raise and transaction execution. 

Ling Qin

Ling Qin

Honor Roll 2016